A life event allows you to enroll in coverage or add a newly acquired dependent for coverage when:
When acquiring a new dependent, you can choose health, dental and/or vision coverage. You can choose the coverage for yourself or also add the newly acquired dependent. The request to enroll due to a life event must be submitted within 30 days of a new dependent’s acquire date. An enrollment change application, along with supporting documentation, must be submitted for processing. Make sure the application is signed and dated by you and your agency benefits coordinator. When enrolling due to a life event, you must also submit page 3 of the application packet (the special qualifying event form, at the bottom). The form can be found here:https://www.tn.gov/content/dam/tn/partnersforhealth/documents/2023_forms/1043_2023.pdf. The effective dates must be as follows:
Documentation required includes: