You'll be eligible for the long-term disability plan if you meet the following eligibility rules: (i) an employee working no less than 30 hours per week; (ii) a seasonal employee hired prior to July 1, 2015 with 24 months of service and certified by your appointing authority to work at least 1,450 hours per fiscal year (July-June); or (iii) deemed eligible by applicable federal law, state law, or action of the State Insurance Committee.
If you are a newly eligible central state government or state higher education employee, you will be automatically enrolled in long-term disability, option 3, paid for by your employer. You may elect option 1, 2 or 4 instead, but you will pay 100% of the premiums.
If you are a newly eligible state offline agency employee, you may enroll in option 1, 2, 3 or 4 and pay 100% of the premiums. You will have 30 days from the date you become eligible to enroll without providing evidence of insurability.
Coverage will become effective on the first day of the month following your completion of the waiting period of one full calendar month of employment. Coverage may be effective later if you are required to submit evidence of insurability and you are approved for coverage. You must be actively at work for your coverage to become effective.
Additional FAQs can be found on the disability microsite at: