If you want to cancel COBRA before the end of the COBRA term, you must send a written request to Benefits Administration stating that you wish to cancel COBRA and include the date you are requesting to cancel COBRA. This request must be written and post-marked no later than the last day of the month for the next month’s cancel date.
For example, if you want to cancel COBRA November 1, your request must be written and post-marked no later than October 31 for a November 1 cancellation date. The State does not allow members to cancel coverage that has already occurred and it does not pro-rate premiums for COBRA coverage.
Once you cancel COBRA, you cannot request that it be reinstated.
Here is where to send a request to cancel COBRA:
Tennessee Department of Finance and Administration
Benefits Administration
19th Floor, WRS Tennessee Tower
312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue
Nashville, TN 37243