Eligible central state government and state higher education employees will be automatically enrolled in long-term disability insurance, option 3. Action is not required.
Enroll in short-term disability insurance (or long-term disability insurance for employees of state offline agencies) online in Edison Employee Self Service during your initial 30-day eligibility enrollment period. During this enrollment period, no health questions will be asked. If you are enrolling in short-term disability for the first time or switching from short-term disability option B to option A during the Annual Enrollment period or within 30 days from an acquire event or 60 days from loss of eligibility for other coverage, then complete a paper Enrollment Change Application and follow further instructions provided by your agency benefits coordinator. You will be required to answer health questions for these enrollments. Employees of state offline agencies can also enroll in long-term disability for the first time during the Annual Enrollment period or within 30 days from an acquire event or 60 days from a loss of eligibility for other coverage by completing a paper Enrollment Change Application and a Statement of Health form for medical underwriting review by MetLife.
Additional FAQs can be found on the disability microsite at: https://www.metlife.com/info/stateoftn/disability/state/benefits/faq/