Coverage for Dependents in the Event of Your Death: If you die while actively employed, your covered dependents will be offered continuation of whatever state medical, dental and vision insurance they have on the date of your death. Your dependents may also be able to convert life insurance.
Health: Your covered dependents get six months of health coverage at no cost. After that, your dependents may continue health coverage under COBRA for a maximum of 36 months, as long as they remain eligible. Instead of COBRA, your eligible dependents may continue coverage through retiree group health if you meet the eligibility criteria for continuation of coverage as a retiree at the time of your death. It is important that surviving dependents contact Benefits Administration to confirm if they are eligible to continue coverage on the retirement plan.
If you are a member of the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System, election of a monthly pension benefit is required to continue insurance for your covered dependents if you die. Your covered dependents do not have to be the pension beneficiaries, but if either you or your designated pension beneficiary elected to take a lump sum pension payout, this will result in your surviving dependents losing the right to continue retiree health insurance coverage.
Dental and Vision: Your dependents may be eligible for continuation of dental and vision coverage through COBRA or the retirement program as outlined below.
Your surviving dependents covered under your dental and/or vision plan on the date of your death may continue their enrollment in the plan with one of the two options listed below. (Note: your dependents must continue enrollment in the retiree health plan to be able to continue retiree vision insurance.)
- If you are eligible for continuation of coverage as a retiree at the time of your death, your dependents may elect COBRA or retiree continuation of dental and/or vision elections in effect for them on the date of your death; or
- If you are not eligible for continuation of coverage as a retiree at the time of your death, your dependents may elect COBRA continuation for dental and/or vision elections in effect for them on the date of your death.
The surviving spouse should contact Benefits Administration to confirm eligibility.
If You Die in the Line of Duty: Your covered dependents will get six months of health coverage at no cost. After that, they may only continue health coverage at an active employee rate until they become eligible for other insurance coverage or they no longer meet the dependent eligibility rules.
If You Are Covered Under COBRA: Your covered dependents will have up to a total of 36 months of COBRA, provided they continue to meet the eligibility requirements.