General Questions
- What do I do when I get a "bad request" error in Edison?
- What are my premiums?
- How do I contact the Payroll Call Center?
- How do I create a Zendesk Account?
- How do I update my email address in Edison?
- How can I replace an insurance ID card?
- What do I do if I get a divorce?
- What happens in the event of an employee death?
- How Do I Reset My Edison Password/How Do I Get My Access ID?
- What is Benefits Administration's Mission Statement, Vision and Values?
- How do I enroll or request to add a new dependent due to a life event?
- Can I change insurance carriers?
- If I experience a Special Qualifying Event can I change my vendor?
- How do I receive and respond to encrypted messages?
- Do premiums get prorated for effective dates that occur after the first of the month?
- How do I obtain a Certificate of Credible Coverage?
- What if I don’t have an email address?
- How do I update my contact information?