- Navigate to the Benefits Workcenter.
- Select Workforce Administration.
- Select Modify A Person.
- Enter the Employee ID
- Select the Contact Information
- Under Email addresses
- If there are email addresses present, that are not accurate click the “-“ sign to remove them. Then click Save
- Click the “+”sign to add a new email address or fill in the empty boxes if no email address is showing
- Choose Primary as the Email Type
- Enter the new email address in the Email Address field
- Make sure the Preferred box is checked
- Select Save to finalize the changes
**If you have several employees that need new email addresses in Edison (for example, 50 or more), you can request Benefits Administration upload the emails for you.**
Here is how:
- Create an Excel spreadsheet with the employees’ full Edison employee ID or full SSN, full name, and email address (total of 3 columns of the spreadsheet)
- Go to https://benefitssupport.tn.gov/hc/en-us
- Click on Submit a Request in the top right corner
- Choose ABC Email Spreadsheet Upload from the drop-down menu
- Complete the empty fields
- Click in the Attachments (optional) field to upload the spreadsheet securely
- Click on the Submit button at the bottom once the spreadsheet is uploaded