Information on Running the TN_BA219_MED_DEN_COVERAGE query
Prompts: Coverage Begin Date: MM/01/YYYY
When to Run: As Needed
Intended Results: This query will show any new coverage that is effective MM/01/YYYY.
This query can be run throughout the year for New Hire Enrollments, changes for Special Qualifying Events or Annual Enrollment as of a certain date. The query also includes vision.
When should I run this query? This query can be run any time.
It is most commonly run after annual enrollment; you can set the report to show you coverage that will start the first of a specific month.
This information will be returned with the Header Title at the Top of the query:
- Department ID
- Position Number
- Business Unit
- Employee ID
- Name (First & Last name)
- Plan Type (medical, dental, etc.)
- Benefit Plan (Partnership Cigna, BCBS, etc.)
- Description (Benefit Plan)
- Coverage Code
- Description (coverage code)
Format: You have the option of running to HTML or Excel and the capability to add to your favorite queries.
You will use a prompt date of 01/01/Effective Date Year. For Annual Enrollment, you will use 01/01/2020 as the prompt.
When running during Annual Enrollment:
- After the AE events are closed, this query will show any new coverage that is effective 1/1/2021.
- This query can also be run throughout the year for new hire enrollments or changes for special qualifying events.
- This query also includes vision.
NOTE: ABCs can run the TN_BA219_MED_DEN_COVERAGE query after approximately November 22nd, and this will show all coverage as of Jan 1st.
Common ABC questions on running queries – During or after Annual Enrollment
Question: (Jan. 8th) Is it too late to run the TN_BA219_AETP_INS query?
Answer: Yes, it is too late as that query can only be run right after Annual Enrollment. What information are you trying to gather?
Follow up question: I want to confirm changes made during AETP. I did them for our employees, but I wanted to double check myself.
Answer: You can run the TN_BA219_MED_DEN_COVERAGE query for changes. The changes can also be found on the JAN collections applied report.
Question: (10-01) We are offering dental and vision for the first time. I ran one of the open enrollment election queries and it showed the medical and dental change but did not show the vision election. Is there a query for vision elections?
Answer: Vision elections will show up on the TN_BA219_MED_DEN_COVERAGE and TN_BA219_MED_DEN_ELECTIONS queries. If someone made a change and it is not on there, please submit a Zendesk ticket with the employee’s ID and we will check on it.
Question: (10-22) How long does it take for changes to show up on queries?
Answer: For the TN_BA219_MED_DEN_COVERAGE query, the changes won’t show up until we close up the events.
Question: (10-29) I ran two queries yesterday to check on the changes, but not submitted. It was blank? Also, I ran the other query for all the changes, and it came up blank too? I am too late for the first query and too early for the other?
Answer: Right now, you can run either the TN_BA219_MED_DEN_COVERAGE or TN_BA219_MED_DEN_ELECTIONS queries. If you had individuals who made changes, they should be showing up on these queries.
Question: (10-29) I had one employee that I changed benefits through a Benefits eForm and the change isn't showing on the AETP elections query. Will it show up there? Others that I changed through Benefit eForms are showing.
Answer: Right now, we recommend running the TN_BA219_MED_DEN_COVERAGE query as it will show all coverage effective for Jan. 1. If the change is not showing up on this query, please submit a Zendesk ticket for us to review.
Question: (10-29) Should all changes be updated now on the queries?
Answer: We are still working on dependent verification documents, so not all dependents will show up yet. We will have all changes processed by November 22nd to send to the vendors. We recommend running TN_BA219_MED_DEN_COVERAGE if you want to see all coverage for 1/1, or TN_BA219_MED_DEN_ELECTIONS if you just want to see changes made, AFTER November 22nd in order to pick up all changes. The only exception to this will be if we receive an appeal that is approved after that date. In the case of appeals, we will notify you if we key a coverage change.
Question: (10-29) Which query shows the changes made during open enrollment?
Answer: Right now, you can run the TN_BA219_MED_DEN_COVERAGE or TN_BA219_MED_DEN_ELECTIONS queries. The TN_BA219_AETP query has been closed following annual enrollment.
Question: (10-29) Since we can only run the TN_BA219_AETP_INS_ELECTIONS report for a short period of time, if there are additional changes made, will we receive an email from BA notifying us of the change? Assuming the employee worked directly with BA with an issue and not the ABC or if something may have not been processed yet?
Answer: You can run the TN_BA219_MED_DEN_COVERAGE query after November 22nd, and this will show all coverage as of Jan 1st.
Question: (10-29) Is there still time to run the query to changes made?
Answer: You can no longer run TN_BA219_AETP_INS_ELECTIONS, but you can still run TN_BA219_MED_DEN_COVERAGE and TN_BA219_MED_DEN_ELECTIONS queries. These will capture any elections they made on their own as well as those made in Benefit form.
Questions from ABCs in regard to New Hires
Question: Will we be able to run a query showing who elected to make the change?
Answer: Yes, we have queries that are available that are typically used during the annual enrollment period. Run the TN_BA219_MED_DEN_COVERAGE query if you want to see coverage for all your employees.
Question: Is there a report I can run in Edison that will only show which employees have dental and which package?
Answer: There is a query that will show this, the TN_BA219_MED_DEN_COVERAGE query. Enter the coverage begin date you are looking for, and it will give you everyone enrolled in medical, dental and vision coverage. You can sort or filter it to get the information you need.