As an ABC, you will get emails asking you to Evaluate a Hire Eform. This is when one of the employee’s with your agency has been hired in with another agency that participates in the State Plan. After receiving the email. Click on the blue hyperlink in the bottom of them email. It will take you to (Evaluate a NP_EPAF Family Form page) and the eForm ID will automatically populate after clicking on the blue hyperlink in the email. There you will click on the search button.
You will then have 3 steps to complete. In Step 1, You are in a view status on this step. View the information of the member and then click on the Next button.
On step 2 of 3 you will see the Last Day of Coverage the new agency is requesting. If the date meets your approval (based on when coverage will end with your agency). Click on the drop-down arrow in the Department Action and select Agree. Click on the drop-down arrow in the Reason Code and select the one that applies to your member and their separation reason. Normally, it will be X-Benefits Emp Resignation. Then click the Approve button.
If you know the member is not departing your agency. Click on the drop-down arrow in the Department Action and select Employee Not Losing Coverage. Please enter a comment for this member. Then click the Recycle button.
If you do not agree with the last day of coverage and you know the member is departing your agency. Click on the drop-down arrow in the Department Action and select Override Last Day of Coverage. Once selecting this option, the Last Day of Coverage date box will open for you to enter the last day of benefits you have on the member. After entering the new Last Day of Coverage. Click on the drop-down arrow in the Reason Code and select the one that applies to your member and their separation reason. Normally, it will be X-Benefits Emp Resignation. Please enter a comment for this member. Then click on the Approve button.
After making your selection in step 2, A message block will appear and you will click “Yes” to send form to the next approver.
On step 3 of 3 no action is required. The step is for informational purpose only.
An email will be generated and will be sent to the member’s new agency showing them the hire date requested along with the hire date used. After receiving this email, you will need to click on the blue hyperlink in the bottom of the email. After clicking on the blue hyperlink, verify the actions by the loosening agency and click the approved button.
Note: After completing this action, it will automatically terminate this member in Edison for your agency and will make them active in the new agency.