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Divorce FAQs
Where do I send dependent verification?
When will I know that my elections have been finalized?
How do I update my election status from Saved But Not Submitted?
Have you received everything for my enrollment?
Can you help me verify if I am signed up for my benefits?
What dependents are eligible and what required documentation do I need to submit for verification when adding a dependent?
How do I change my dependent's last name?
Can children under age 26 be covered as dependents on their parents' plan if they are eligible for their own coverage, e.g., at another job?
If two employees in the same plan (state, local education or local government) are married, are they required to choose the employee + spouse premium level, or can each sign up for employee only coverage? What if there are children?
Can a dependent be dropped from coverage in the middle of the plan year?
Are preexisting conditions covered?
Can I cancel my insurance coverage for any reason, and what documentation is required?
My child is about to turn 26, what do I need to do to remove him or her from coverage?
How long will my state-sponsored insurance be active after my termination date?
Can an employee or dependent have TennCare and state group health insurance at the same time?
Is my grandchild eligible for state-sponsored coverage?
How do I add a new dependent (adoption or legal custody due to the anticipation of adoption) to my State Group Insurance Program coverage?
I have a child who is attending college out-of-state and under the age of 26. Is my child still eligible to be on my insurance coverage? Would my child be covered for out-of-state care?
My personal information is incorrect in Edison. How do I correct it?
I recently moved. How do I update my address in Edison and with my insurance carriers?
I am a local education employee who is changing employers, one school system to another. How does that affect my insurance coverage?
I am a higher education employee who is changing employers, university to university. How does that affect my insurance coverage?
If a current state, higher education, local government or local education employee changes jobs and becomes an employee of another entity (state employee to local government employee, etc.), how does that affect their insurance coverage?
I am a local government employee who is changing employers (one city government to another). Both employers are on the state group insurance plan. How does that affect my insurance coverage?
My child/spouse Social Security number, birth date or name is incorrect in Edison. How do I correct it?
There was an error on a recent enrollment/special qualifying event request form. How do I make the correction?
What qualifies as a special qualifying event?
Recently, I’ve had an employee who has changed employment status from full-time to part-time. Would this be a special qualifying event that would allow the employee to make coverage changes?
What is the Benefits Administration Review Team?